{referral for brides}

We are working on a referral plan for brides!  SO if you have been one of our past brides and refer someone new to us for our wedding photography, and they sign.......you will get something special after their wedding agreement is paid in full!

We need to work on some ideas here!

We are thinking, thinking hard :)

We LOVE our brides and think it is only fair to give back to THEM
for referring their beautiful friends to us, and trusting our talent for their fabulous day!


Do you have any ideas for the referral gift......well please send them our way.  
Vote on what you would like to see!

1. a gift card to our portrait boutique so that you can purchase some artwork
for your walls of your fabulous day, or for an additional session

2. gift card for beauty services etc. for some pampering

3. gift card for dinner for you and your new hubby 

4. {this is for your own suggestions}

please send all responses to loveographer@gmail.com

Can not wait to hear your responses!

* UPDATE:  Can not believe about the overwhelming response we have had already today!
Keep them coming, but I can honestly say.....I think we have figured out a pretty {sweet} deal!