VHS Model :  Holly Klimczyk

Holly is one or our VHS models for the 2012 school year :)
We were able to get a jump start on her session
this winter....just for fun!
I grabbed Holly and headed out to a local park...where we were blessed with a 
"little snow"
We had massive snow 2 weeks before, and it was beautiful,
but unfortunately we had to reschedule due to illness.
sooo, when we started to get the white fluffy stuff...I called Holly and asked if 
she was ready for a somewhat impromptu session..and she was!

If you are a VHS Senior, find Holly and grab a Model Card from her!
You must have the card for our specials :)

I can't wait to for your spring/summer session Holly!
Thanks so much, and it was wonderful to capture this special time in your life!


{Facebook Special}

Hello there Facebook Fans and Friends...
we are having a special offer here.

We are trying to publicize our Facebook Page, so that it is easier to 
communicate with our Fans and allow them to see
special offers at a moments notice!

Here are the details:

Send your friends and family our way, 
have them LIKE us and comment who sent them.
Whoever sends us the most new fans our way, will be the winner of 
a pretty awesome gift!

Details are still in the works, but I guarantee that it will be worth it :)

Thanks for helping us publish our new page!


{Vota and Barlow Girl}

I truly enjoyed capturing Vota and Barlow Girl.
I have to be honest and say that it was my very 1st Band capture.
I knew how to capture it properly, because I had captured so many weddings with 
NO FLASH photography allowed :)
....and some of those churches and venues are very dark!!!

Up until now, I just didn't have the opportunity present itself...
and then it did, and I had a blast.
I would LOVE to do it again! 
....and I will :)

these images were shot with only available light on the stage and I hand held while shooting!
I know, crazy huh....no camera shake or nothing.  THANKS to one heck
of an awesome lens!!  ....and one photographer knowing how to set her camera properly for exposure ;)
and if you want to know where I was while shooting....I was up in the balcony!  Yep, that is right!

These are just a very few of the many that I have...if you are a fan of the Vota Fan Page, 
you will see where  have uploaded the shots to their page...there are more to look at there
and on my fan page as well.

Vota, is hands down one amazing band!
Their message is so true and the amazing energy they share from God,
pulls you right in.
My kids LOVE LOVE LOVE these guys!
We blare Vota throughout our house and car...they completely rock and have a wonderful 
message in their music.

Barlow Girl, is an amazing group of women that 
share this wondeful life journey as well as super important messages to 
young women.

They are not only beautiful outside, but inside where it truly matters.
There were many times, I had tears in my eyes while I was trying to shoot and
see through my lens with glassed over eyes!  They just hook you and real you in!!!


{baby A & little E / Northwest Indiana Newborn Photography}

Recently, I had the pleasure of caputuring baby A.  He is such a little sweetheart.
His big sister, E was also there at the home and we were able to caputure a few tender moments between the two.  E, is a little doll hands down!  I can not wait to have the opportunity to capture her this spring/summer! Her wonderful grandma bought her the most rediculously cute tutu and I can not wait to pair that with a little jean jacket and cute tank! (not to mention, maybe some cute, sassy Lia Sopia jewelry!!! on this little miss!)   Her eyelashes are simply amazing!!!!
Every photographers dream to capture those kind of bright little eyes!

Now baby A...he is such a sweet little gent.  I wanted to stay and sit and hold him for hours!
He had that perfect new baby smell & was cute as a button all dressed up as a tiny teddy bear!
Tiny little toes and a sweeet little nose....ah, those brand new babies get me everytime :)

Thank you so very much Rachel & Mary for having me be part of this magical moment in his life, as well as with E.  I feel so very blessed that you allowed me into your loving home, 
to capture his tender young life!

God Bless, and thanks a million!


{New adventure...sharing the love}

I had the most fantastic time teaching local moms/women how to use their digital cameras to capture those fleeting moments of childhood!  I love seeing the light bulb turn on when the 
*get it*
Basic knowledge of digital photography
Basic lighting and God's gift of Natural light, that is oh so beautiful and easy.
Getting creative with children and on their level

some of the basic things I taught in this class

Every mom, dad, aunt, uncle, friend has a camera and is looking into 
capturing life in this new digital media age.
They simply are not sure how to use this new technology to its fullest.
Teens do!
They are all over photography and creating!
It was time to bring these moms up to speed :)

Thanks so much ladies for such a wonderful time!
Sorry the class was so large....we will work on that for future options.
I know you all would like a little more one on one, 
and with only two of us teaching that was a bit difficult!

Thanks for the offer of your homes and businesses for further informative classes!
I can't believe how that took off like it did!!!!

Yes, Rachelle...I will come to your home and teach you and your 12 friends who were interested!
Tonya, I will keep you posted on future adventures!
Tiff, when I get a chance I would love to do a session in your barn in Kouts...gather up your friends 
for the one on one class and we will figure something out!

After checking our schedule for 2011, we realize that we are pretty swamped with weddings :)
which is a good thing, but also means I can't get to all your requests for home classes.
We will do our best to figure things out before spring falls upon us and things
are really busy here!

At this time, we will not be able to add any more classes for Feb or March :(
To the ladies who signed up for our out and about on locations..we will be forwarding 
information to you shortly.

Our classes for Winter are for the following towns
Chesterton, In
Kouts, In
St. Joe Michigan

This is closed to the public at this time...unfortunately, we have more students than teachers at
this time!

We have 87 people signed up  and 23 on a waiting list :(
thought this was only going to be like 25...the professor Mike was way wrong!
Don't get me wrong..it was a delight, but we are a bit overwhelmed right this moment
with all the feedback we have received!  

Thanks for joining us and sharing the love of photography today!

God works in wondrous ways xoxo

Please give me a bit of time to add you to our facebook page...
we have a wedding this evening,
but will try to get to it by MID next week.
All of the added links for websites and info will be up there for you to
start working on!




Yikes, it has been way to much lately to blog, handle two facebook fan pages and then business!
So I am going to apologize right now for the lack of all three :)
I will do my best, but as my clients know...I will tag you in images on the 
client facebook page for you too see, and then of course your private viewing site as well.
IF you are friends and family, YOU will be privately tagged on my person fb page.
As far as our family and friends go, the facebook linky to the right of the page at top is for you 
to use :)  We will still put up our special offers, and a few images on there
when we get a chance, but you are family and friends after all...so you kinda know what is going on!
We started seperating the two, when I started getting personal message on the fan page :)
and decided we may need two fan pages, one for actual clients and one for people closer to me personally!
Ok, now back to work.
I have a few more orders to go through and finish for some Chicago photog clients and their images in order to get them sent to them by midnight via the good ol, net!

Sorry for the confusion on all the posting options! 
Wanted to clarify it, since I had a few emails on the matter!
SO Family/Friends...you have your own personal fan page, it is linked to this website
there are only 67 of you..so say what ever you like!

Clients, you know the fan page that you are connected to, it is the one you were given at our session 
together.  Just tag your friends and family in any images that you would like to share.  If you have any problems, feel free to email me..but I do think I changed the settings correctly this time :)


{Northwest Indiana Maternity Photography}

Maternity Creative Sessions:


Includes session & 10 digital portrait images
session & $100 towards portrait order

If you are seven months along or further, give us a call for a beautiful winter 
maternity session!  Think of how cute that belly would look like
with a colorful scarf hanging around your baby bump showing it off!
We are ready to do some wonderful winter session!
Are you?
Grab a colorful scarf, fun mittens and a neutral or simple sweater and give us a call!

one of the funnest Maternity sessions EVER...
Loved how little {j} was looking for his baby brother :)