{Our Summer to do List}

We decided that it would be a great idea if we made a Summer to Do List and see how far we got with it this year.  Capturing our moments along the way and enjoying all the special memories we create together.  I encourage you to make a list as well.

I discovered this idea on a random blog I came across this past winter.  
The lovely lady wrote it with colored markers on a poster board...
I of course needed to make this a bit more artistic and personal :)
So I added a special image that was near and dear to my heart
and little hearts by the destinations/idea
where we will add the date we accomplished our idea!

Kinda like a scrap booking idea of sorts!
Lots of images at the end of summer that we will turn into a DVD slideshow!!

See what comes of your summer!

We can't say that we are bored or have nothing to do, now can we?!

Though work does come first and play second!!!

We have already made our plans to go to the Museum of Science and Industry, the Shedd Aquarium, and the Field Museum!

Also, a trip to Indy to the Zoo 
and a relaxing trip to Michigan!

The trip to Indy and Michigan will involve work as well....
We are promoting our business with other wedding venues during our visits!
Also a few photog classes that we are attending as well.
It is great to take the kiddos to the conferences!
After we learn and work, we get to play :)

Can't wait to celebrate with the ones I love this summer, 
and enjoy the best job ever!