{Our Brand New 12x24 Portrait Boards}


the new Portrait Boards we will be offering...

Something is just so sweet and delicious about 
"antique" photos

I love the old look of a portrait....especially the edges that they use to have!

I love this new Portrait Board.....which is actually a 12x24 portrait montage....

I love how it resembles a bunch of photos strewn around :)

I LOVE everything old when it comes to photos....yes that includes film!
Film was so wonderful and the look just cant be copied!
Don't get me wrong, the digital age is sweet bliss!
However, I love dreaming in antique print!
Remembering the qualities of a dark room.
Visualizing the image and taking in without checking it out on a LCD screen.
The *magic* of a polaroid.
Looking through old photographs of my grandmothers...
the edges were beautiful!

Some plain and some with a curvy little cut into them!!!

Lord knows how I wish we had some of those days back in the film era...

Hope you enjoy one of our new Portrait Boards!