{all about me:) }

no matter what mood i'm in, i can always go for a: chocolate fondue

:: my favorite go-to outfit would have to be: comfy dark wash jeans,white cami,  heels, and a trench!

:: a good source of inspiration is: favorite designers, God's beauty, and vintage 

:: am so glad my parents taught me: to be compassionate, loving, and caring for others

:: a song i like to dance to is: Ridin Solo...Jason Derulo

:: i wish everyone knew about: TO WRITE LOVE ON HER ARMS

:: the best thing in my makeup bag is: lip gloss!

:: my dream spring break vacation spot is: Europe...I want to travel with my beautiful girls! 

:: this may be a surprise, but i am passionate about: teaching women to find their inner beauty and strength

:: a favorite book that changed me for the better: The Shack

:: one of my pet peeves is: rude people 

:: my favorite daily ritual would have to be: tucking my darlings in at night, and breathing their sweet innocent scent of life in as I kiss and hug them goodnight :)  Knowing that once again, we made it through another day together!  What a blessing!!!  ...and beside that...enjoy  carmel nut coffee and cinnabon creamer!!!!!!

:: i am trying to be better at: patience with inconsiderate people, understanding that people work on emotion and simply do not think many times before the say or do.

:: the most recent rad thing i found online was: my new postcard/portrait  tower!

:: i can't live without: my children, my little yorkie and my camera :)   

:: my favorite daily ritual would have to be: tucking my darlings in at night, and breathing their sweet innocent scent of life in as I kiss and hug them goodnight :)  Knowing that once again, we made it through another day together!  What a blessing!!!  ...and beside that...enjoy  carmel nut coffee and cinnabon creamer!!!!!!

:: what other professions have i worked in: it is funny actually...completley different from the arts.  i was a cardiac tech working with cardiac patients after heart attacks and open heart, and a dental assistant!

:: what is a profession that i would still love to do: i would love to be a vitner!!!  i have ALWAYS thought that  vineyards were beautiful..even breath taking.  i would love to live on one and learn the art of wine making!  i  still think at times, it is a profession i just may go after in my lifetime!

:: who is someone you admire: i admire my grandfather.  both actually, but my grandpa C. worked until he was 81 to support his family.  he is so wise and genuine.  i feel blessed to have him in my life, as he has taught me so much about life itself and going after your dreams.  when life threw me a curve ball, he was my cheerleader.  he never gave up on me.  when i went into this profession, he was not thrilled...afterall, i left the medical field to persue it.  but as time went by, he told me to use the gift God gave me to my advantage.  to take the bull by the horns and never look back! 

:: what are some major lessons you have learned in life: i learned that rarely things are as they seem.  when we are younger, we think everyone is our friend...when we start to grow through age, we realize who our true friends are. RMXWWMDSTWD6