{a special session with T}

My session today was simple
and special
we just took a quiet little walk down an old alley way 
that I had begun shooting in 7 years ago.
The subject....T
I have known her since she was the tender age of FIVE!

Her mother is a hair stylist
One of the best!
T's hair looks so amazing all of the time :)

She is MODEL perfect

She loves to shine :)

Her legs are endless, she seriously needs to get into modeling....
I told her that about a gazzillion times during our shoot

She is just as sweet as can be!

It was a nice diversion from our hectic week of depression due to a family death.
My oldest daughter came on the shoot...
she actually chose the location
and she was the assistant as well.
She is LEARNING to hold the reflector...
I had to remind her BOTH hands a few different times!

She however, does take beautiful images when she gets ahold of the camera.
Today she opted out..
Can't say I blame her, her little heart and soul just were not in tune with being artistic.
T kept her smiling during the entire shoot :)

Thanks T for  simple .  sweet  .  beautiful shoot!