This past weekend, we celebrated Memorial Day in honor
of all the military men and women who put their lives on the line for
our own lives.
They are truly amazing people and they need to be told that each and every day, not just one day a year...but it is nice that we have a special holiday
designed just for them!
We were able to have the weekend "off"
but it wasn't without work!
We worked on the patio area in the backyard.
It truly needed a lot of tlc.
We live on clay, so it is hard to get things growing...we hauled in a lot of black dirt for this project!

After starting a filling up the pond...we realized that it was not level :( We had to remove and dig some more!

We set out the plants in the areas we were thinking we would like them to be placed.

And the finished projects....I LOVE the beach, so we added beach grass in 2 varieties around the patio! I feel in a very zen sort of place now! We sat out here Sunday night and listened to jazz music by the fire! The lights at night make it look so darn pretty!

another angle....

We planted herbs around the pond and in the planter boxes. We have sage, 2 varieties of thyme, cilantro, dill, chives, 2 varieties of basil, rosemary in the boxes and lemon balm (great for tea) apple mint and pineapple mint around the pond with lavender.....which I love the smell of!
By the way, Scott aka Jack of many trades, is for hire. He is wanting to get his license in Gardening now! He is a photographer as well as a landscaper....something he picked up a few years ago and is in LOVE with. I think the whole artistic side of him really helps with the vision of gardens etc. Not to mention, he honestly is a very hard working man and doesn't mind getting his hands dirty! Hmmm, maybe a new business adventure is in the future....

I clearly could not of done this alone...Scott did all the digging!
I prepared the ground a few weeks before with my youngest daughter.
There was a large mound of dirt (clay) to the left of this picture area that
we dug out and flattened.
It took us 7.5 hours to do that and clean out the pond from the winter mess it created.
I suppose I could of done all this with the kiddos, they are great helpers!
We would however still be working on in!
So happy it is finished....well almost. We still have to edge it, but that will be later on this week or next!
It took almost 15 hours to dig, plant, and mulch...we had 2 small trips to get more mulch in there as well.
(we are only 5 min from Home isn't like a long trip!)
I also took time this week to design a new template for images.
It is meant for a larger wall portrait.
I will share it later this week :)
It is still getting some tweaking!