Do you want a cool profile pic?!
Everyone is searching the net for you...checking out what you look like now!
Why not throw up a cool pic of yourself and show them whatcha got!
Be uniquely you.
Stand tall, be proud!
Book us for a FACEBOOK session.
It is $30
The session will take place locally at one of your fav places.
It will only take 15 minutes!
Ask your favorite gal pals to come along and get a session themselves.
We will email you 5 small jpeg images from your session to upload to your FACEBOOK page.
You will be able to use them for myspace and personal email as well!
Our logo will appear on your image :)
If you decide that you like a particular image from your mini session, you may purchase it for that special someone.
*very minimal retouching done. Extensive retouching may be done for additional price and upon request.