love (luv) n. 1. A very deep affection and adoration. 2. Strong desire for another person. 3. Altruism, passion. 4. Strong regard, liking, fondness & attachment. Benevolence towards another individual. 5. Synonyms: affection, adore, crush, desire, delight, devotion, friend, fondness, enamored, enjoyment, emotion, infatuation, rapture, regard, smitten, solicitude, sweetheart, tenderness, the hots, weakness, wild about!
photographer (fer.ta.gre.fer) n. one practices photography. Photography: the art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface.
WHY? Our desire to start this mission for Loveography, started with having the deep desire to give back to others, giving them that moment . A moment captured of their Loveography session. A chance for them to reflect back many, many days, weeks, months, even years from now on the feelings they had for each other the very moment their images were captured. Imagine, being angry at your loved one....and walking past your images and having a moment to reflect on your true feelings. To embrace the love between the two of you and all you share and realizing that maybe, just maybe it is not worth being angry. Or maybe, reflecting back on a time you actually shared with a loved one that has now passed. Images are very powerful. Especially ones that are filled with emotion.
Life is to short, so kiss slowly, forgive quickly, and love deeply. This is a motto that I am trying to live by. The other reason, and it being a very important one: is that I recently found out my grandfather has less than 2 months to live. A battle with cancer that he is not winning, unfortunately. But he is ready to go home, to go be with his maker. My grandfather is a very loving, smart, and a deeply spiritually moved man. I can tell you the images my family has been able to capture, have been such a wonderful keepsake of the love. Esp the love he and my grandma still share. I have been truly blessed to be able to see the true meaning of love and to be able to share in their joy.