{Lia Sopia}

I just had the most wonderful jewelry party with Mary Roman!
She is with Lia Sopia, 
and boy can she put on a great show for you and your guest.
I LOVE things that last, things you invest in and that will 
last a lifetime...Lia Sopia is up there with some of our 
favorite products that carry guarantees!
Just like COACH..they too guarantee their beautiful jewelry.
Brides can grab some wonderful pieces of jewelry for their bridal party,
and the best thing, that gift will last a lifetime!

Or better yet, you can have a bridal party theme 
with Lia Sopia and everyone can buy the 
BRIDE some fabulous jewelry pieces!

The possibilities are endless...

Hop on over to Mary's site and check her out

by clicking on LIA SOPHIA

Not to mention you could have a Mommy to Be party,
and by the new mom some fabulous jewelry to 
make her feel pretty after she has that little bundle of joy!

Every mom can relate to wanting to feel beautiful and stylish right after we 
give birth :)

*ladies Mary brings hundreds of pieces for you to look at and try on!
NOT your ordinary jewelry party at all!


{introducing our brand new Portrait blocks for 2011}

I am super excited to show you one of our
brand new products for 2011.
They are sold to photographers only, and are not
your traditional canvas wraps.
In fact they aren't canvas at all!

They are so yummy :)
I love the look and feel of this new product!!

I can't wait to start selling them to all of you.
We are preparing a new price menu for the Portrait Blocks.
Should be able to start selling them end of January!

the shelf is from Pottery Barn, they are great for placing portraits on of all different sizes!

This was just my 1st order...I went small at first with just an 11x14 in case I wasn't too happy with the results of the product...but I LOVED them and reordered this particular print in a 16x20!
I am sure all of you will love them as well :)

I just ordered some sample sizes for displays and to bring to sessions to show!

Personally, I feel that a 11x14 alone is too small for a wall.
We ordered (2) 11x14 with (1) 16x20 for our wall display.

Post pics later when they all arrive and are hung!
Enjoy this wonderful winter season


Series (3) 5x5's or (3) 6x6 Portrait Blocks....$125
8x10 or 11x14..............................................$120

*these prices will only be in effect until Jun 2011, at which time they will increase.
This is a special offer that we are giving to our clients
which will allow you to grab one or two or three of these yummy 
products for your own home today!

You may order one of these Portrait Blocks from a past session with us!