
We have had beautiful weather, the leaves are dancing in a colorful river of reds, orange, and yellow, wait purple too!  Yes, we have finally got somewhat of a fall :)  My camera is ready, I am excited to shoot and then bam......out of the blue my daughter comes down with pneumonia!  Yep, you read that right PNEUMONIA!  That is how I feel, I want to scream!  We have all been there right?!  Well, we just got thru the swine flu.....rescheduled appointments and started shooting again.  No more than 4 days later, here we sit with a bad case of pneumonia!

I do not feel sorry for myself...but terrible inside for my daughter!  She is miserable!  So now we get to do breathing treatments, meds, motrin, tylenol, and enough orange gatorade to float a small boat!  It is scary stuff, but grateful for all the prayers........and the cuddling time I get to have with my little girl on the couch!  Wishing it were a different reason for cuddling, but I will take it!  Not to mention lots and lots of cartoons and we are even currently watching HOME ALONE......hmm just feels like that time of the year :)

So thanks for all your patience as we weather through scheduling appointments together and getting everyone's Holiday Sessions taken care of!

I am sorry to hear of the handful of clients that had to cancel due to their little ones getting sick...ugh!  You all will be in our prayers as well!

So folks, I am back to.........
*cuddling with the little one
*drinking hot apple cinnamon tea
*taking temperatures
*moving thru our dvd collection
*trying to finish editing images
*finishing up Christmas orders
* oh and yes trying to get some much needed SHUT EYE :)
Hugs and prayers to you and yours !


{Love it or Lose it}

* cooking for people I love
* pumpkin bars......yummy
* last week of October...right before the festivities start
* sitting around the table talking and laughing with my kiddos
* hearing my gramps pull up and beep his horn!  :)
* Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Coffee
* Peppermint Mocha Coffee Mate Creamer ;)

* body aches and terrible coughing from the FLU
* all the lady bug looking beetles that have gotten into our home!
* the swarming of bees that meet me when I leave each day!
* crabby neighbors that do not enjoy HOLIDAYS ;)
* My sister not being able to visit due to the H1N1 issue
* my daughter in pain over a root canal....ugh
* expensive price of groceries!!!!

Hope you have a very blessed week with your loved ones!  Enjoy the beautiful master piece that is all around us this time of year.  Take a little time help others in need this week...cheers!~  Karma


{Gift Tags are Here}

They have arrived......just last night!  I was up way past 12 punching holes and adding satin ribbon!  There are 4 different types of art portrait paper to choose from and 3 background designs!  They are so delicious I hate to see them march out my door!  I certainly can not wait to use mine this year!  Can't wait to see the faces of the proud owners of these little babies.....they were certainly more beautiful than we expected....and our expectations were HIGH!


{Image 101}

{raw image}

{artistic rendered image}

{vintage image with texture}

Image 101

You can see the transition of this image as it takes on a completely different look and feel :)  By looking at an image and studying the subject, we carefully decide what artistic spin we would like to put on it.  Here is just a small view, to educate you in the many different ways an image is stylized after capture!  Some clients like a specific look, so we do take that in to consideration.....however, mostly we just know in our heart where the image is going and what it is becoming.  Each session is unique and personal in its own way, because other than twins......we are not alike as people!


They are so magical......it is like their tiny souls dance around in delight and you can grab a conveyed emotion right away!  Each one brings personality and style to aid in the artistically rendered process.  They are simply delightful to work with, even if they are not EASY :)  These little ones speak straight to the heart, so easy to read and so open and angelic!

I am having a serious issue with {tutu LOVE} right now!



My Holiday Tags will arrive tomorrow!!! I can not wait to show you them, as in taking a picture and posting these lil babies :)   I checked on them a few minutes ago......sure enough they will be delivered handsomely packaged at my door!

It is like opening a present....I kid you not!  I get so excited seeing my clients images grace my doorway....add a new line of product......and I go coocoo for cocoa puffs!

Now get off the computer people and get outside and enjoy God's splendor today!

* take a brisk walk
* stand still close your eyes and breathe in Fall
* look around at the "painted" picture God has given us
* go leave picking with your children
* bring those leaves in and do some fun crafts
* play EYE SPY
* enjoy a warm cup of APPLE CIDER
* take the kids to the park
* carve a pumpkin with your lil punkin
* add candy corn to a cup of peanuts for a "payday"


{Holiday Tags}

How adorable are my Holiday Gift Tags?!  These cute little babies come in Qty of 50 and are approx business card size complete with two sides to them!  These little babies will make your holiday gift giving extra special and unique!  You know how us women are always looking for a new idea to add that special little touch.......well here it is!  I was so excited about these little darlings, that I already ordered a set for myself!  Anyone that knows me, knows I am always late on the Holiday extras!  Fumbling through the stores trying to come up with some kind of idea that can be purchased from the local Michaels!  Last year, I sat for hours tracing, cutting, and pasting images to card stock and finishing them off with a ribbon!  Don't get me wrong, those were delightful.....but very, very time consuming!  This year, when I ran across this little idea....I just had to have them!

 Hurry Don't delay Order these Today!

{Holiday Cards}

It is that time of the year, once again!

All orders must be placed for holiday portrait cards by Oct. 31st 2009!  If you have already had your session with us, now is the time to choose from the following designs and get your order in asap :)

There are a few clients that were on the waiting list to still get in for the Holiday Portrait Session...you will be an exception, as your last day to order will be Nov 6, 2009 and that is our final deadline date!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Fall and getting ready for the Thanksgiving Feast ahead!

*save on stamps this year and pass your Holiday Cards out on Thanksgiving!

Holiday Splendor Card  (design by MN)

Vintage Holiday (elements taken from VT design)

Worn Love Holiday Card (loveographer exclusive)

Holiday Love Card (loveographer exclusive)

Design 2 Card (elements for ICHDESIGN)

Striped Brocade Holiday Card (loveographer exclusive)

Love Card (loveographer exclusive)

Stary Holiday Card (loveographer exclusive)

As most of you know, these holiday cards will be retired after this year!  We offer brand spanking new {Holiday} cards each year!  This year we are only offering the portrait cards and are not offering our usual press printed cards!  Maybe next year, once again folks.....but this year they are straight portraits!  Depending on the design, they are either offered in 5x7 or 5x6 sizes and are complete with envelopes!


Something new to me.....in the eyes of a pano!

I should not really call it new, because it isn't....um maybe revisited?!  The pano has been around FOREVER.....but as artists we bob and weave back and forth trying to "revisit" old ideas and put a new spin on them if you will!

I am not even sure what got in my head to try some pano images again!  My most recent session was with a larger family and I was like "hey, remember the pano format....that would be neat to go back and do again"  I fall in and out of {Love} with many different areas and ideas in photography...but this past week I have had some time on my hands to edit thru some images while my little sick one was resting and I kept going back to a pano crop, over and over and over again!  I do not know what is up with me but it is just something stirring inside me!  So now I have this compulsion to look at the image and wonder, "what would it look like pano?"  I guess I am getting tired of the traditional 8x10, 11 x14, and 16x20 format!

Inspiration no doubt came from this beautiful large black frame I have stuffed behind my couch (ok, honestly this is not at good idea!)  waiting for a pano of me and my kiddos from this fall!  Every image I see.......I think hmmm pano!  I can't wait for my little one to get well so we can grab our gear and head for some fall foliage and take some shots of us making memories together!

B & B plus Five

Big Families = Laughter & the unknown :)

You never ever know what is going to happen with little ones under the age of 4....it is just and impossibility to even imagine how the session will go!  I have some great "out takes" that I will have to post at another time, but for now...here are a few from our session together!  I have sooo many more to edit thru and design Miss Becky, but I promise I will get to them STAT :)

Your kids are absolutely beautiful and it was a true pleasure to work with you and your wonderful family!  I can't wait to show you the rest of them...but for now it is back to taking care of my little angel that is a bit broken still :(  


I want to SCREAM!

So we have spent some time in a local  OFF HOUR CLINIC .......it was not fun!  We had the unfortunate time of sitting and waiting for over 5 hrs to get seen for  104 temp!  I know you would think that it may be a priority to check her, but um not so much I suppose for them!  I have to state, as a parent I was pretty outraged at how long it did take.  We waited from 1 to 4:30 before we were even called to be registered!  My poor little ones, seem to always get sick over the weekend when the doc has gone home.....we usually weather thru the weekend and hit doc on Monday!  However, this time it was a no go.  The all so fashionable mask she dons was given to us upon her coughing.....she was  a pretty good trooper for the most part......though around 6 she had had it {I can't say I blame her!}  To top of our wonderful Sunday afternoon, we got released too late to go to our local Wally World to pic up our prescription of good ol Tamiflu so, we had to run to CVS......and guess what, they too did not have what we needed!  So we FINALLY got med today at 11 thanks to a very sweet Aunt M, who ran and grabbed it despite her facial issues due to having her teeth worked on~

So the humor or maybe not so much was the fact that little M retorted " I feel like I am in China mommy" after being asked to wear the mask.  Now we do not mean to disrespect those from China in anyway, but her reference was from watching the news and seeing hundreds of Chinamen in mask.  She did start to giggle as she did when she saw them on t.v.  as the day went on her giggling did turn to tears :( .  When we left she states she hopes to NEVER have to wear it again!

Thanks Auntie M.  We love you so!

We are running a tad behind on some session images due to our recent um....illness.  We hope to be right back to schedule by next Monday!  Have a healthy and happy week :)

Please be patient as our main goal is getting this little angel feeling well once again!  Thanks for all the well wishes we have been sent!  {hugs}

Love It or Lose It again

* acorn squash
* pumpkin carving
* spooky music sounds
*the smell of warm apples
* trying new recipes for fall

* high fevers in little ones you love :(
*waiting for over 5 hrs in an OFF HOURS CLINIC
* going to pick up a prescription and being told they don't have it
* crabby attitudes


41 degrees out, what troopers!

SO it is too cold for summer, spring, and most fall clothing.......but not yet cold enough for winter bulky jacket!  Sessions are chilly, but still fun!  These three donned jackets, which were tossed aside quickly while getting into place and then running for jackets to keep toasty warm....and then repeat all over again :) I have to admit, I too was pretty chilly!  I donned a down vest and gloves {come on now, I do have to keep my hands warm so that I can keep those fingers working to grab these shots!}  We did wish that we had more color at this particular park, but we worked with what we could find!  These are a few from our time together.........as these three little ladies are very near and dear to my heart and soul!  Love you guys!  You totally rock and thanks for putting up with the chilly weather and keeping a warm smile on your beautiful faces!  Oh, little M......so sorry about the doggie doo doo that you seemed to find!  I too agree with you, someone did not take care of their doggy mess!!!!!  Thankfully, it was a very small detail and nothing to {mess} your attire up!


Another wonderful little Etsy find!

Another beautiful creation from Maritza!  Very stretchy and keeps baby ears warm!  Again, I will post the link to her website!  Just think of warm, comfortable baby gifts for that special little person in your life!

Advertisement for Etsy!

Recently I was proposed to take some images of some cute little knit items  for a very talented crafter, Maritza!  She knits beautiful items! Her soft, cozy baby  items will be sold on Etsy (I will post her website as soon as I get all the info!)  These would be wonderful little items to slip baby into after a warm bath!  They could drift off to {sweet dreams} in no time :)
Check out that sweet little boy!  What a darling little {N} is!  He is so darn sweet, fresh, and new!  Such a fantastic little model to capture!  He was perfect in everyway!  More on his images later!